Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Andy Goldsworthy - 3D block

 Andy Goldsworthy is a British sculptor, 3D artist and photographer, He creates environmentally friendly pieces/structures which are all site specific and are usually made out of natural materials

This work links to my 3D work as I used sticks like Goldsworthy has, however mine differs as I have used a bucket to push the sticks through like the images to the right but with a black or white bucket, and 3 lined up with each other.

I find these sculptures of Goldsworthy's very interesting as every material is natural and the abnormal sculpture because of that reason fit into nature.

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Richard Tuttle - Fine Art Block

Richard Tuttle is a American post-minimalist artist, and his work is small and makes use of line and scale.

His work with wire links to my fine art project as I have used wire to create spirals like he has shapes and lines.

Our technique and process in creating our work was very similar because his drawn line goes from 2D to 3D which is how I did my work however I moved back to 2D. Richard in second image moves from ink to paint to wire showing his versatility in his work and its very interesting how he transforms this 2D lines in to 3D ones.

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Modern Painters - September 2013. Cage of Flesh - Oil on canvas 2012

The composition of this painting is more to the right but in the middle of the page, the model is bending her back towards the left with her head back and arms up. The pose is simple so all you can see is the top of the body and the long hair.

Its a very realistic image as the colours are skin tones, with browns and white also the hair is browns oranges and blacks.

You can see the tone in the painting on the woman, the detail in the skin tone is obvious and realistic, and this is the same with the hair.

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Frieze Issue 157 - Periphal Visions.

The kinetic artist Julio le parc for more than 50 years has been exploring spectirship, movement and partcipation.

I found the use of colour in these images interesting, and you can imagine from the image how the artist uses movement to create an warped effect. The simplicity of the images adds to the effectiveness as they are just stripy circles with different colour palettes.

One image a harmonious colour scheme in the main circle with green going into yellow then the stripes are red onto which is opposite green to green on the colour wheel.

Julio Le Parc has used colour and his knowledge on colour theory to his advantage, as he has been able to create the movement in the circle with the right colours making interesting colours from the patterns.